Thursday, 4 July 2013

Thursday 4th July. Day 11. CoRSU hospital

There was lots of discussion about the earthquakes this morning in the therapy department.  Apparently, they usually do not last as long as they did last night, and they happen around once a year.  We're experiencing so many new things!

I went on the ward round this morning - started off in orthopaedics with Stanley and Fildah (physios), then defected to the plastics ward round to check up on what splints may need to be made today.  There was a splint needed for a girl who had her operation yesterday by Vikram - she had syndactyly release (joined fingers).  

I also helped Fildah treat a boy who had a fractured wrist - he needed a wrist splint - hooray one of the ones I had brought in the suitcase fitted!  Then showed her some exercises that may be helpful for tendons stuck in scar tissue.  

After a tasty lunch of matoke, rice and peas, I made the tiniest splint ever on a one year old gorgeous little girl, with a tight thumb tendon with Musa (physio).  After which I needed to repair the aeroplane splint on the little boy with burns on the ward.  Florence (physio assistant) kindly helped me with this.  She has been working at CoRSU for 3 years, but has also worked for many years at Kumi hospital in Northern Uganda, so has plenty of experience, and was so helpful in positioning, getting equipment and translating for me.  

The girl with the gun shot wound to her hand was going home today to Northern Uganda, possibly not to be seen for a while, so I wanted to check that her splint was fitting really well before she was discharged.  Isaac helped me to check the splint and interpret for me.  Hopefully she will come back in 4 weeks to have her metalwork removed and to see Isaac for her exercises.

Karen and Sarah had a meeting with Malcolm (who is the CEO of CoRSU), and been discussing how Interface can help.  They have come up with some good ideas for projects we can help with.

Woan-Yi has been in theatre taking photos of cases and observing Vikram and Andrew teaching.  She has also been assessing outpatients.

Vikram has been operating and teaching.

We got back to Andrew and Sarah's house, and Vikram, Woan-Yi, Sarah and I went for a run with the Hodges' 3 dogs.  Woan-Yi had to take a different route, not being fond of jumpy dogs!  We watched Alex and Andrew playing squash down in the town - it was an extremely serious game - no smiling going on at all!  They looked really good - running around all over the place - manic!

After another delicious meal, Mat arrived - a new patient arrival from Fort Portal, who broke his arm this afternoon falling off his motorbike.  I think another splint may be needed tomorrow, although the cardboard seems to be doing a good job!

1 comment:

  1. Great Blogging. It must have been hard work writing all this down, but it's great to read about all the amazing things you are discovering. I am sure that this visit has provided you all with much inspiration about what more can be done by Interface Uganda to help, and how to focus the support where it can be most effective.
