Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Wednesday 26th June. Day 3 - Another busy day at CoRSU

After a sleepless night (for me) chasing a cockroach the size of a mouse in my room, Andrew drove us all to CoRSU hospital at 7.15am.  I met Christine, and we got to work immediately to take a pattern for a splint that will be made tomorrow in theatre for a 22 month old child who has had burn contracture releases around his neck and arms.  I had contacted David Burdon (occupational therapist at the RD&E), as it looked quite complicated, and he has kindly emailed me the instructions of how to make it.  Here are the bits I made today!

I also watched Christine treat a little 2 year old boy with spina bifida, who has no sensation and little muscle activity below waist level.  Then we assessed and treated a patient with a radial nerve palsy (limited movement in her wrist and hand) from a traffic accident.  We also saw a little boy of around 8 years with a brachial plexus lesion (many muscles in the arm not working - from birth) who Vikram had asked us to assess for possible tendon transfer surgery next week - we came up with a plan to splint him today and do some stretches, then he will have surgery next week.

Woan-Yi was teaching her very own 'round -the-clock' suturing technique all morning to the trainees, Martin and Darius, a possible future trainee, Linda, and to Alex (medical student).

Vikram Devaraj was assessing the trainees, and has reported that they have improved since their previous assessment.  Vikram then spent time in theatre.

Lunch consisted of rice, beans and posho (something carbohydrate-y made with maize flour).  

Some pictures of the important ones, doing their important stuff:

Bex has had a productive day and started filming, and taking photos for the website.  Karen has also been taking some photos, and finding out about how Interface Uganda can be involved at CoRSU hospital in the future.

Back at the Hodges' house now, and the pizza is cooking in the outdoor pizza oven - looks and smells amazing. Meanwhile, Vikram has been horse-riding!

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